Need Help Now

Immediate Assistance

If you need immediate assistance because someone is in physical danger phone 111 or go to the local ED for an immediate response.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or have concerns about personal safety (for example: struggling with self-harm, feeling suicidal, or being in a physical space that is not safe) call your GP or Greater Wellington Mental Health and Addiction Service on 0800 745 477.

Talk to Someone Now

If you need to talk to someone right now free call or text 1737 to speak to a trained counsellor.

Or call one of the free helplines available 24/7 including:

Self-Help Tools

Visit the Small Steps website to learn practical tools and techniques for managing anxiety, stress, and low mood.

Find additional resources on the Mental Health Foundation website.

Other Agencies

Affordable Counselling

Birthright specialises in supporting one-caregiver families and offers free counselling for sole parents and guardians living in Wellington.

Lower Hutt Women’s Centre offers support, counselling, workshops and support groups.

Upper Hutt Women’s Centre offers support, counselling, workshops and support groups.

Specialist Support

Women’s Refuge, Rape Crisis, Shakti, HELP Wellington, Youthline, Evolve, Skylight, Parent Help, Wesley Community Action

Specialist Groups

Continued Recovery (from Disordered Eating)

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous


Dwell Housing Trust, Salvation Army, Wellington Women’s House

Creative Connections

Vincents, Pablos, Toi Poneke Arts Centre

Advocacy & Information

CAB (Citizen’s Advice Bureau), Community Law, Wgtn City Library

A list of other helpful organisations can be found here.

Women’s Refuge Shielded Site

The green icon at the bottom of every page of this website will take you to the Women's Refuge Shielded Site tool. The Women’s Refuge has created this tool so victims of abuse can ask for help, without fear of it showing up in the browser’s history or an abusive partner ever seeing it. If you need help but are worried about repercussions from a controlling or abusive partner, this is a safe way to find it.