Our services



The first step in your well-being journey is to book an appointment with our friendly support team. During this session, we’ll discuss the type of support you’re looking for and ask a few questions to understand your needs. This allows us to provide you with information about relevant services, including our counselling service, workshops, and support groups. Our team can also share techniques and coping strategies to help you manage stress and anxiety.

30 mins - 60 mins |  $ Free  



After meeting with our support team we can provide up to eight sessions each year if our counselling service is the right fit for you. We believe mental health support should be accessible to everyone, so our service is contribution-based—meaning you pay what you can afford.

60 mins |  $ Contribution

Workshops & Groups

Workshops & Groups

Meet new people and learn new skills in one of our workshops or groups. 

Women's Products

Women’s Products

Pop into our office during working hours to pick up free pregnancy tests, condoms or menstrual cups.

|  $ Free  

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.