Low Cost Counselling

The Collective feels strongly that people on low or no income have access to low cost, and professional, support and counselling services. All of our counsellors are affiliated with a professional body and receive regular supervision. In order to maintain affordability we ask our clients for a contribution towards the running costs of providing this service.

$20 is the suggested donation per session.

Every dollar counts towards keeping us running to support the women who need us. Donations above $5 are tax-deductible and we will send you a receipt on request.

Our support workers are available to discuss options if this cost may be a barrier.

Frequently asked questions: 

Who is eligible for this counselling?

We are funded to support women with low or no income.  This can mean women who are:

  • On a benefit

  • Working part-time on low wages

  • Not in paid employment

If you are not sure whether you would be eligible, please contact our Support Service on 022 323 5008 or email: support@wwhc.org.nz

If you are not eligible for counselling with us we can help you find low-cost counselling elsewhere.

Do I need a referral to see a Counsellor?

You don’t need to be referred - just call us or email from the link on our website.

Our Support Service will discuss with you how we can help.

What commitment is required from me?

When offered sessions we ask that you commit to attending at the agreed time slot, weekly for the full eight weeks.

What happens if I am sick or have to be away during my counselling period?

We do understand that illness and life continues.  We ask that you give as much notice as you can to your Counsellor and the Health Collective. 

We reserve the right to count your session as one of your eight if you do not give us adequate notice.

What if I am seeking counselling for rape/sexual abuse or alcohol/drug concerns?

If these are the main issues you want to address, we will refer you to the specialised agencies who work with these issues (HELP / Rape Crisis or Care NZ / CADS). If rape, sexual abuse or addictions have been a part of your history but are not the main reason for seeking counselling this time, then talk with a support worker to discuss how best we can help.